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The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go. Winston Churchill


13th March 2012 | 14:15
6th March 2012 | 14:45
25th October 2011 | 13:41
7th August 2011 | 15:20
6th August 2011 | 15:19
4th August 2011 | 10:43
2nd August 2011 | 11:40

Big Balkan Marathon

The sun, the sea and lots of dogs — all this is a Big Balkan Marathon.Bulgaria invites all dogs fans to the Championship Black See Winner every year. Almost 10 days you can spend with your pets at the seaside. In the afternoon we relax and in the evening we participate in Dog Show of Balkan countries. This year a lot of countries carry on the exhibitions: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Montenegro, Georgia, Romania, Moldova and Macedonia. There are twelve evening and night Dog Show and about a thousand dogs of various breeds. Albena is not sleeping in the afternoon neither at night. Our Balkan Marathon has been very successful.

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