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If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them. Phil Pastoret


13th March 2012 | 14:15
6th March 2012 | 14:45
25th October 2011 | 13:41
7th August 2011 | 15:20
6th August 2011 | 15:19
4th August 2011 | 10:43
2nd August 2011 | 11:40


13th March 2012

Whitney has gladded us with new success again.

We had no real rivals at the exhibition in Russia.

6th March 2012

Baby-girl Whitney gladdens us with her victories!

It's the first exhibition and the first success of Whitney.

25th October 2011

A new pet has appeared in our house.

A new pet has appeared in our house. Meet one more bichon Whitney!

7th August 2011

Forrest is the Champion of Macedonia

It was 7 August and the Championship of Macedonia. It was the last show day for us within the Balkan Marathon.

6th August 2011

Black See Winner

Black See Winner seems to be the major show day.

4th August 2011

Georgia Cup CAC National Dog Show

Forrest is the Champion of Georgia.

2nd August 2011

Cyprus CAC National Dog Show

Forrest is the Champion of Cyprus.

1st August 2011

Albena CACIB International Dog Show

Forrest is the Champion of Bulgaria.

28th July 2011

Big Balkan Marathon

The sun, the sea and lots of dogs — all this is a Big Balkan Marathon.Bulgaria invites all dogs fans to the Championship Black See Winner every year.

17th July 2011

Forrest is the proud of Donbass

16 and 17 July the exhibition of all breeds of dogs FCI-CACIB "The proud of Donbass" took place in Donetsk.

2nd July 2011

Forrest is the Champion candidate in Hungary

Forrest has made the first steps to the title of the Champion of Hungary. We have spent some days in Hungary.

5th June 2011

Forrest is the Champion of Belarus!

"Why don't we visit Minsk and our friends?" — we thought and here we are in Belarus. It is hot summer and almost the same name of the exhibition "Belorussian summer 2011" CACIB SHOW.

17th April 2011

The season of European exhibitions is opened in Slovenia

We haven't travelled for a long time and felt that we were overstaying, so we decided to take part in the exhibition in Slovenia.

10th April 2011

Our kids become famous!

We are very pleased by baby Goldie. She is growing and becoming a real princess.

19th March 2011

Forrest's son Gerald is Junior Champion of Moldova and Junior Champion of Macedonia

Gerald is our delight and great hope. He has already received Champion titles of three countries during one month.

6th March 2011

There is no time for rest FCI CACIB - "Donbass - 2011" is in front

The main reason for participation isn't about the titles, we decided to participate in order to show the beauty of our bichon Forrest.

5th March 2011

We start the international season of exhibitions in Donetsk

Forrest has deservedly received САС, CACIB and BOB. Gerald has received J.CAC in the Junior class.

1st March 2011

New season of exhibitions has been opened

The first performance of Gerald and his first victory in 2011.

12th December 2010

Winter CACIB in Kiev – New Year’s presents

Crystal cup became a real New Year’s present

12 next   

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